CCPTV Awards

Since 2011 CCPTV (Comcast 53 and FIOS 21) has received numerous awards, including the Telly Awards®, Communicator Awards®, Cindy Awards®,Videographer Awards®, AVA Digital Media Awards®, Davey Awards®, NCMPR® Awards, seven Emmy® nominations and an Emmy® award.  CCPTV was also awarded the 2010 Community College Innovation of the year award for it's unique style of original programming.

Emmy Logo Emmy® Awards

Drop the Mic, Season 6, Episode 5,
Entertainment -  Nomination
Drop the Mic, Season 5, Letters from the Audience,
Human Interest - Nomination
Drop the Mic, Season 6, Episode 7,
Public/Current/Community Affairs, Nomination
Strange College, Episode 3,
Craft Category, Musical Composition, Nomination 

Strange College. Episode 2 "Cold Case", Craft Category, Graphics Animation, Award Winner

Drop the Mic, Season Three Finale,
Entertainment SpecialNomination

Drop the Mic, Season Two Finale, Entertainment Special, Nomination

Drop the Mic, Season One Finale, Entertainment Special, Nomination

You Decide, Student Submission, Outstanding Achievement Award for College/University
Telly AwardTelly® Awards

Trapped, "Episode 1",
Video: Sound Design, Platinum
Trapped, "Episode 1", Video: Entertainment, Bronze
Trapped, "Episode 1", Video: Musical Composition, Bronze

Social Responsibility, Bronze
Aunt Nancy, "People Who Can Fly", History for TV, Bronze
Aunt Nancy, "People Who Can Fly", Cultural for TV, Bronze

Drop the Mic "Season Six Finale",
Live Events, Silver
Strange College, Episode 3, Entertainment, Bronze

Drop the Mic "Season Four Finale", Live Events, Bronze
Drop the Mic "Season The Audience Speaks"Social Responsibility, Bronze

Philadelphia Cultural Forum, "Images of the Motherland," Cultural, Bronze
The Market, "Selma," Public Interest/Awareness, Bronze
Drop the Mic "Season Three Finale", Live Events, Bronze
The Chefs Cook, "Biscotti", How to/DIY, Bronze

Car Corner, Wheel Alignment, How to/Instructional, Bronze
The Chefs Cook, The Catering Experience, Documentary, Bronze

Drop the Mic Season One Finale, Live Events, Bronze
The Chefs Cook, Thanksgiving Dinner in One Hour, Education, Bronze

PSA-Recovery is Alive and Well in Philadelphia, 
Social Responsibility, Bronze

Voices From The Margins
, Social Responsibility, Silver
Voices From The Margins, Cause Marketing, Bronze

Spoken Word Student Giving, Fund Raising, Bronze

Classroom Etiquette, Education, Bronze
Classroom Etiquette, Low Budget Production, Bronze

Communicator Award Communicator® Awards

Trapped, "Episode 1",
 Video: Sound Design, Excellence
Trapped, "Episode 1", Video: Entertainment, Distinction
Trapped, "Episode 1", Video: Misical Score, Distinction

Aunt Nancy, "People Who Can Fly",
Video: History, Excellence
"Paradigm", Video: 
Social Justice, Distinction
"True Tales of Social Justice"
, Video: Social Justice, Distinction

Drop the Mic, "Season Six Finale", 
Video: Social Issues, Excellence
Drop the Mic, "Season Six Finale",
Video: Live Events, Distinction
Drop the Mic, "Season Six Promo", 
Video: Social Issues, Excellence
Drop the Mic, "Season Six Promo",
Video: Self-promotion
Drop the Mic, "Season Five, Letters from the Audience",
Video:Social Issues, Distinction
Drop the Mic, "Season Five, Letters from the Audience",
Video: Cultural Perspectives, Distinction
Strange College, "Episode 4",
Video: Entertainment, Distinction
Strange College, "Episode 3",
Craft Category:Use of Music, Distinction
Strange College, "Episode 4",
 Craft Category:Use of Music, Distinction

Drop the Mic, "Season Five Episode 4", Video: Social Issues, Distinction
Drop the Mic, "Season Five Finale", Video: Live Events, Distinction
Philadelphia Cultural Forum - "Freedom", Video: Cultural DIstinction
Strange College, "Episode 1", Video: Entertainment, Distinction
Strange College, "Episode 2", Video: Entertainment, Distinction
Strange College, "Episode 2"Craft Category:Use of Music, Distinction

Drop the Mic, "Season Three Finale",
Video: Entertainment, Excellence
Drop the Mic, "Season Four Finale", Video: Entertainment, Excellence
Drop the Mic "Season Three Finale", Video: Live Events, DIstinction
The Chefs Cook, "Back to Front", Video: Documentary, Distinction
The Chefs Cook, "Savory Pies", Video: Health and Wellness, Distinction
The Market, "African American Literature, The Harlem Renaissance", Video: Social Issues/Responsibility, Distinction

Philadelphia Cultural Forum, "Images of the Motherland", Social Issues/Responsibility, Excellence
Drop the Mic "Season Two Finale", Live Events, Distinction
Drop the Mic "Season Two Finale", Entertainment, Distinction
Philadelphia Cultural Forum, "Images of the Motherland", History, Distinction
The Chefs Cook, "Apple Desserts", Education, Distinction
The Market, "Selma", Social Issues/Responsibility, Distinction
The Market, "Selma", Education, Distinction

The Chefs Cook, "The Catering Experience," Educational Institutions, Distinction

The Chefs Cook, "Thanksgiving Dinner in One Hour," How-to/Instructional, Distinction
Drop the Mic "Season One Finale", Live Events, Distinction
Women Against Abuse, PSAs, Public Service, Distinction

Recovery is Alive and Well in Philadelphia, PSAs, Public Service, Distinction

The Chefs Cook, "Turtle Soup"
, How-to/Instructional, Distinction
Voices from the Margins, PSAs, Public Service, Distinction

Cindy AwardCindy® Awards 
The Chefs Cook, "Savory Pies" Health, Silver
Drop the Mic, "Season Four Finale", Documentary, Silver
Drop the Mic "The Audience Speaks"Social Responsibility, Bronze

The Chefs Cook, "Back to Front," 
Documentary, Silver
Philadelphia Cultural Forum, "Images from the Motherland", Cultural, Ethnic, Women's Issues, Silver
Drop the Mic, "Season Three Finale", Documentary, Bronze

The Chefs Cook, "The Catering Experience," Documentary, Silver

Drop the Mic "Season One Finale", Documentary, Gold
Women Against Abuse, PSAs, Gold
Women Against Abuse, PSAs, Directing, Special Achievement

Videographer® Awards

Strange College. Episode 4
Video/Entertainment, Distinction
Drop the Mic, Season 6 - Finale, 
Video/Entertainment - Excellence
Drop the Mic, Season 5, Letters from the Audience, Video/Cultural - Honorable Mention

Strange College. Episode 2 "Cold Case", 
TV News/Program/Entertainment, Excelence
Strange College. Episode 2 "Cold Case",
Creativity (Video)/Original Music, Honerable Mention

The Market, "The Harlem Renaissance", TV News/Program/Culture, Excelence
Drop the Mic, "The Audience Speaks", Video/Culture, Distinction
The Chefs Cook, "Savory Pies", Video/Informational, Honorable Mention
Drop the Mic, "Season Four Finale", Video/Culture, Honorable Mention

The Market, "Selma", TV News/Program/Culture, Distinction
Philadelphia Cultural Forum, "Images of the Motherland", TV News Program Cultural, Distinction
Drop the Mic, "Season Three Finale", Honorable Mention

Davey AwardDavey Logo

Strange College, "Episode 4", 
Best Use of Music,  Silver

Drop the Mic, "Season 5, The Audience Speaks",
Cultural, Silver
Drop the Mic, "Season 5, Episode 4", Public Service/Activism, Silver
Strange College "Episode 2", Entertainment,  Silver


Drop the Mic "The Audience Speaks"
Public Service/Activism, Silver
Drop the Mic "The Audience Speaks"Social Video, Silver

" Trapped", 
Entertainment, Platinum

" Paradigm", 
PSA Social Change, Gold

Strange College "Episode 3", Entertainment,  Gold
Drop the Mic, "Season 5, Episode 4", Entertainment, Silver
Strange College "Episode 2", Entertainment,  Gold


Trapped, "Episode 1",  Video | Entertainment

National Council for Marketing and Public Relations

Paragon Award, The Chefs Cook, "Thanksgiving Dinner in One Hour," Bronze

Medallion Award, College Video Program Chefs Cook, "Thanksgiving Dinner in One Hour," Silver

Medallion Award, College Video Program, Women Against Abuse, Bronze
Medallion Award, College Video Program, Car Corner, "Air Intake," Silver

Medallion Award, College Video Program, Car Corner, Silver
Medallion Award, College Video Program, "Voices from the Margins," Silver

Medallion Award, College Video Award, Car Corner, Silver
Medallion Award, College Video Award, The Chefs Cook, Silver


Hometown Media Awards - Black history Moments, Reconstruction, Winner - Underserved Voices 
Hometown Media Awards - Black history Moments, Reconstruction, Winner - Educational Activities

Hometown Media Awards - Drop the Mic, Season 6, Episode 5, Winner - Entertainment/Arts Single Episode
Hometown Media Awards - Strange College, Episode 4, Winner - Original Drama/Comedy

Hometown Media Awards - Drop the Mic, Episode 3, Winner - Entertainment/Arts Single Episode
Hometown Media Awards - Drop the Mic, Episode 3, Winner - Cultural Perspectives

Hometown Media AwardsStrange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Winner - Entertainment/Arts Single Episode
Best Shorts Competition - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Television Program/Series - Award of Recognition
Top Shorts Film Festival - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Original Music - Honorable Mention
Los Angeles Film Awards - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Score - Semi-Finalist
Los Angeles Film Awards - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" TV Series - Selected
Acolade Global Film Competition - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Television Program/Series - Selected
IndieFEST Film Awards - Strange College, Episode 2 "Cold Case" Television Program/Series - Selected
The Cammys, Drop the Mic Season 5, Episode 3 , Inclusion - Finalist
The Cammys, Drop the Mic Season 5, Episode 3 , Best Production - Finalist

League for Innovation in Community College

Innovation of the Year Award