Dining, Catering and Vending

Cafe Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday:
- Breakfast will be available from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
- Lunch will be offered from 11 a.m. to 2:00p.m
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Please note: Any custom orders for the grill or deli will have to be put through either the mobile Connect and Pay App or via the website. The only items that will be able to be rung up at the register are the hot and cold grab-and-go items, in addition to all hot and cold beverages, snacks, and bakery items.
Dining Services
Did you know......
Canteen, has an order-ahead program for breakfast and lunch at Roary’s Café in the Pavilion Building. You can place your order at kiosks outside of the café or through the Connect & Pay app.
Here’s how to order through the app:
- Download the Connect & Pay app from iTunes or Google Play to your smartphone
- Open the app and enter location code 025F61
- Choose your items, select options, and quantity, and tap “add item”
- Tap the green bar at the bottom of your screen to check out
Smart Market - Fresh Food Vending Solutions, also referred to as Avenue C, are available on the Main Campus inside the Bonnell Pavillion and 3rd floor of the CBI building, Northeast Regional Center, and CATC Center. The Smart Market is a self-service small market with a wide range of options for all students, faculty, and staff.
Main Campus — (215) 751-8315
Catering Services
Catering customers for Main Campus Catering Orders must open an account on ccp.catertrax.com . Once the account is opened, the customer can place orders, review their order history, and print invoices.
- Main Campus – (215) 751-8315
For Regional Center Catering Orders, please contact Auxiliary Services for an approved cater list.
- Northeast Regional Center
- West Philly Regional Center
Payment for Catering Services
Employees must designate an org or grant code for payment. Invoices with an original signature of the org/grant approver should be submitted to the College's Accounts Payable office within one week after the event. External customers have a credit card payment option. Cancellations or changes to existing orders are subject to charges.
Catering orders should be submitted in a timely manner to give Canteen time to order food and supplies and to schedule staff. Canteen has the right to refuse an order.
Special Menu Requests
Customers are encouraged to contact the Catering Office should they wish to order menus not offered on ccp.catertrax.com or if they need help in developing a custom menu. A budget-conscious menu is available with limited services.
Catering Food Waivers
Vending Services
Vending machines maintained by Canteen Vending Services, a division of Compass Group, are located throughout the Main Campus and at the Regional Centers. All machines accept cash and some select machines accept credit cards and Lion Card funds.