Classified / Confidential Staff Job Classifications

Position Templates (Job Descriptions) and Salary Grades

Templates - Job Descriptions

Salary Grades

Office Administrative Assistant I Grade III
Office Administrative Assistant II Grade IV
Office Administrative Associate Grade V
Office Administrative Associate B Grade VI
Office Administrative Associate A Grade VI
Technical Craft Specialist B Grade VII

Download the Position Summaries Comparison Chart

Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ)

The Job Analysis Questionnaire form is designed to acquire information about your job functions and duties. The completed JAQ is used to evaluate your position and determine the most appropriate classification and pay grade for your job.

View the full instructions on the Job Analysis Questionnaire form.

Classified Staff Reclassification Proposal

A joint committee of the Classified Unit of the Federation and the College were convened to review and make recommendations on the Classified Reclassification project.

Read about the Reclassification Committee, process and procedures in the Classified Staff Reclassification Proposal.