Faculty Development Award

The Faculty Development Award is an annual award given to support an adjunct or full-time faculty member working to enhance the learning of his or her students. This award offers a stipend of $500 to be used during the academic year to help reimburse expenses related to an adjunct or full-time faculty development project that would be enhanced by attending a conference, workshop, or seminar (including on-line) of the recipient's choice. Applications welcome from all full-time and/or adjunct faculty from the following divisions: Liberal Studies, Business & Technology, Math, Science & Health Careers, Educational Support Services, and Student Development.  

The project should enhance the faculty member’s knowledge of pedagogy (or teaching and learning, generally) with the intent of one of the following:

1. Devising new methods to enhance and improve students' learning including creative teaching strategies or resourceful and imaginative uses of technology, or

2. Systematically analyzing his/her teaching and learning process or that of his/her students with the goal of improving the design of a course or encouraging other faculty members to do the same.

The conference, workshop or seminar attended can be discipline specific or of general pedagogic interest.

Any part-time or full-time faculty member may apply for this award.

The call for applications is made every spring semester. To apply, submit a letter of application that includes: a statement of intent with information about the faculty development project you plan to pursue; a rationale for the project and how you anticipate the information gained by attending the conference/ workshop/seminar will contribute to fulfilling one or both of the criteria listed above; some consideration of how you see this project fitting into the mission of the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning and CCP. The deadline to apply in Spring 2023 is Friday, March 17.

The Faculty Development Award recipient will be honored formally in the FCTL and invited to enrich the college community by presenting in the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning on some aspect of their project.

Apply for the Faculty Development Award

Past Recipients:

Patricia Valdez (2001-2002)
Fay Beauchamp and Diane Freedman (2002-2003)
Jean Forsha (2003-2004)
Nancy Carr (2004-2005)
Kelly McQuain (2006-2007)
Jamie Picardy (2007-2008)
Margaret Stephens (2008-2009)
Cory Ng (2010-2011)
Amy Lewis (2011-2012)
Fran Lukacik (2012-2013)
Girija Nagaswami, Linda Fellag, and Lyn Buchheit (2013-2014)
Eric Neumann and Jocelyn Lewis (2014-2015)
Ashley Brenner (2015-2016)
Melissa Altman-Traub (2016-2017)
Amy Lewis (2017-2018)
Jennifer Chiaramonti (2018-2019)
Unawarded (2019-2020)
Unawarded (2020-2021)

Unawarded (2021-22)
Edith Birnbaum (2022-23)