Making Payments
The College provides several ways for students to pay their tuition bill, including a Tuition Payment Plan. For your convenience, you can make a payment, view your account summary or enroll in a Tuition Payment Plan online. For questions or additional assistance, contact the Student Tuition Services office by email.
Pay Your Bill
Find out when you'll be billed, and how to pay your bill online.
Tuition Payment Plan
Enroll in a Tuition Payment Plan that breaks your tuition bill into payments over the course of the semester.
Important Dates
In order to be considered for all available forms of need-based financial aid, it’s important to be aware of the various Filing Deadlines below. In addition, upcoming Payment Due Dates are posted so students can budget accordingly.
Filing Deadlines
Important financial aid deadlines, including FAFSA filing deadlines.
Payment Deadlines
Due dates for tuition and fee payments.
How-to Videos
These videos will help you learn more about how to view your bill, make an online payment, enroll in a payment plan and more.