On February 16, the Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) program presented “Healthy Relationships, the Art of Healing,” an event that addressed various mental, physical and environmental issues that negatively impact the health of a community. Facilitated by representatives from the Black Women's Health Alliance (BWHA), an organization that advocates on behalf of health care inequalities that women of color face, the event was attended by College students and staff. Information presented at the event prompted questions, and allowed students to engage with the presenters and learn more about valuable resources.
The Black Women’s Health Alliance was established by 100 Philadelphia women who attended the First National Conference on Black Women's Health Issues in Atlanta, GA in 1983. Their goal is to improve health care outcomes and eliminate health disparities experienced by women of African Ancestry, other women of color and their families, through advocacy, education, research and support.

KEYS Students Attend the Art of Healing Workshop Where they Learned about Healthy Relationships, and Resources for Emotional Growth and Healing