College Policies

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College Policies

Mint Building from across Spring Garden Street

Use the following tables to access College Policies. Existing policies have been renumbered in a manner that allows the policies to be organized by topic area. Additional student-related policies can be found in the Student Handbook. Additional employee-related policies can be found in the Employee Handbook.

TitlePolicy Number Range
Student Records and Regulations
and Academic Standards Policies
1 to 100
Student Services Policies 101 to 150
Facilities, Safety and Security Policies 151 to 200
Financial Policies 201 to 250
Human Resources Policies 251 to 300
General Administration Policies 301 to 350
Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policies
351 to 400

An index is provided which shows the old number and the new number. If a policy is no longer in effect, its status is shown as inactive. Only active policies are available on this website and not all policies are yet available online. Policies not found online should be available in Policies and Procedures manuals located in most administrative offices.

Student Records and Regulations and Academic Standards Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
1 Auditing of Courses 04/08/10
2 Approval to Register for Credit Overload 12/10/14
3 Academic Integrity 03/03/12
4 Community College of Philadelphia Student Appeals Procedure for Academic and Disciplinary Matters 02/28/14
5 Attendance, Withdrawals, and Grade Reporting 02/25/13
6 Determining Eligibility for Graduation and Issuance of Diplomas 04/08/10
7 Credit by Examination 12/16/13
8 Academic Standards and Progress 03/15/13
8A Satisfactory Academic Progress 09/01/21
9 Academic Honors 12/02/99
10 Academic and Time Amnesty 11/24/13
11 Radiation Safety 12/02/99
12 Policy on Transfer Credit 09/24/12
13 Course Registration 11/22/11
14 Standards for Distance Education Courses 06/10/15
15 Involuntary Student Leave of Absence 06/18/12
16 Course Scheduling Preference For Veteran Students 10/15/14
17 Discontinuation of Degree and Academic Certificate Programs Policy 05/27/19
18 Authentication in Distance Education Policy 07/07/22
19 Credit Hour Policy 01/13/23

Student Services Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
102 Board of Trustees Statement on Student Activities 10/13/71
103A Procedures and Wage Rate for Employment of Students on a Part-Time Basis 01/13/10
104 Establishing Community College of Philadelphia Awards and Scholarships 01/13/10

Facilities and Security Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
151 Smoke-Free Campus Policy 12/10/14
152 Admittance to College Buildings and Facilities 09/25/00
153 Policy Governing Use of College Facilities 07/30/01
154 Food or Drink in Classrooms, Laboratories, or Other Designated Areas 01/16/84
155 Sign-Out Procedure for Long-Term Audiovisual Equipment (303) 05/08/89
156 Presence of Minors (Dependents Under the Age of 18) On Campus 02/27/14
157 Parking Policy 04/19/04
158 Solicitation in Campus Facilities 06/01/05
159 Posting in College Facilities 04/19/04
160 College Identification Card Policy (311) 01/26/10
161 Statement of Acceptable Behavior for College Guests and Visitors 07/29/10
162 Child Abuse Reporting Policy 11/26/14

Expressive Demonstration: Time, Place and Manner Policy


Anti-Hazing Policy


Narcan Administration Policy


Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Policy


Financial Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
201 Open Market Purchasing 06/20/18
202 Purchases and Contracts Requiring Specific Board Authorization 02/05/09
203 Expenditure Approval Requirements 07/01/14
204 Petty Cash Usage 12/10/14
205 Disposal of College Property 01/09/97
206 Forgivable Loan Policy 06/22/10
208 Material Procurement Cut-Off Dates for College Operating and Capital Budgets 05/12/09
209 Tuition Charges - Community Services 08/11/72
210 Personal Automobile Mileage Reimbursement 01/01/15
211 Guidelines for the Use of Student Activities Fund 03/17/11
212 Conflict of Interest Policy 04/09/85
213 Contract Procedures and Authorized Signatures 07/01/00
214 Accounts Receivable Collection and Bad Debt Management Policy 02/05/09
215 Management of External Audits and Program Compliance Reviews 06/17/02
216 Inclusion of Diverse Suppliers and Philadelphia-Based Businesses in College Purchasing Activities 11/01/12

Travel Authorization and Reimbursement 

 218 Royalties and Other Compensations or Incentives Related to Selection of Course Materials 5/2/2017
219 Gift Card Policy 12/12/2017


Policy on Inclusion on Digital Course Materials



Investment Policy for Operating Funds


Human Resources Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
251 Tuition Remission for Employees, Their Spouses, Domestic Partners and Children 09/09/09
253 Leaves of Absence for Administrative Personnel for Military Duty 10/22/73
254 Accidents at Work 04/08/71
256 Documentation Required for Extended Illness 01/04/73
259 Preservation of Employment Records 08/22/03
260 Administrative Vacation and Other Leave Time Policy 02/19/99
261 Utilization of Temporary Agencies-Administrative and Classified Staff 08/22/03
263 Compensated Leave Program 10/04/95
264 COVID Leave Policy 03/24/20
265 Remote Work Policy for Administrators and Confidential Employees 07/07/22
266 Remote Work Policy for Classified Employees 07/07/22
267 Remote Work Policy for 12 Month Faculty 07/07/22

General Administration Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
302 Campus Mail Procedures 09/22/00
303 Alcoholic Beverages Policy 02/03/89
304 Official Public and Special Holidays for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2016 07/01/15
305 Policy Governing the Use and Duplication of Software 12/20/95
306 Policy for Responsible Computing 06/04/96
307 Acceptable Use Policy for Interactive Systems 03/26/12
308 Operating Procedures for Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens 11/17/08
309 Hardware and Software Support Policies On-Campus 11/29/01
310 Drug-Free Workplace, Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Program 03/01/06
311 Right-to-Know Act 01/05/09
312 Identity Theft Detection and Prevention 08/01/09
313 Records Management and Retention Policy 11/15/10
314 WhistleBlower Policy 05/09/07 
315 Naming Policy 03/02/17 
316 Survey Policy 02/14/19 
317 Trustee Emerita/Emeritus Policy 07/21 
319 Policy on College Policies 03/03 
320 Personal Information Privacy and Protection Policy 08/24/22 

Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policies

Policy NumberTitleDate Implemented
353 Disability and Pregnancy Accommodations Policy for Employees and Applicants 08/16/07
354 Disabled, Vietnam-Era and Other Eligible Veterans 08/16/07
355 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy 04/26/10
356 Religious Accommodation Policy 08/16/07
357 Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy 9/10/2014
358 Policy Against Non-Title IX Sexual Misconduct, Relationship Violence and Stalking 8/14/2020
359 Service Animal Policy 8/25/2017
360 Chosen Name Policy 10/18/2017
361 Policy Against Title IX Sex-Based Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment 08/14/2020
362 Limited English Proficiency Policy 05/09/2023