Audiobooks Now Available through Libby (OverDrive)

Libby - App for Reading

With Libby you can browse, sample and borrow from CCP Library's growing audiobook collection.  Listen on your phone, tablet or PC/Mac. 

Phone or Tablet Instructions

  1. Once you download the Libby app, you'll follow steps like these:
  2. You may be asked if you have a library card. Answer NOT YET
    1. If on-campus, search for “local library
    2. If off-campus (or your phone does not show your correct location), search for the zip code: 19130
  4. Select Community College of Philadelphia
  5. Add Library Card >> click NEXT
  6. Sign in with Card >> click NEXT
  7. You will be redirected to the MyCCP login screen
  8. Rename the card, if you prefer
  9. Add Kindle, if you prefer
  10. That's it! Audiobook titles will be shown.

PC/Mac Instructions

  1. Locate Libby from OverDrive on the library's A-Z Databases page ).
  2. Choose the Libby from OverDrive link, and login via the MyCCP login screen if prompted.
  3. Rename the card, if you prefer
  4. Add Kindle, if you prefer
  5. That's it! Audiobook titles will be shown.

✳Please note the number of copies available and the borrowing period.