MLT/Phlebotomy Student Uniform Policy

  1. The highest standards of personal hygiene and professional appearance must be met at all times.  All students must bathe daily, use deodorant and refrain from using cologne or perfume.  
  2. The required uniform must be worn on days that you are attending a clinical rotation.  They will be sold by the College Bookstore and are Navy Blue scrubs* with the College Logo and Program name embroidered on the left side of the scrub top.  A white long sleeve shirt is also available for any student that has tattoos on their arms, desires to be covered or tends to be cold.  No other color can be worn under the scrub top.      *Clinical assistant students can wear their program’s scrubs for phlebotomy clinicals.
  3. Clean white leather sneakers (no canvas or mesh allowed) or white duty shoes must be worn with the uniform.  Clog type shoes with an open back can be worn.
  4. Some sites will have fluid resistant lab coats that may be worn over the uniform.  No patterned scrub jackets may be worn.
  5. Extreme hairstyles and hair colors are not allowed.  Hair must be of "natural" color.  Long hair must be tied back or worn up.  No large scarves or ribbons.  Men's hair must be a respectable length or tied back.  
  6. Tattoos must not be visible when wearing your uniform.  Tattoos on arms must be covered with the white long sleeve shirt or a white turtle neck shirt for tattoos on the neck or during cold months.  
  7. Jewelry - must be worn in moderation.  Only a watch and one ring are acceptable.   No body piercing allowed - no tongue, lip, chin, eyelids jewelry is allowed and must be removed on clinical days.  Earrings: only one small post earring per ear is allowed - no hoop or dangling earrings. 
  8. Cosmetics - use in moderation.  Fingernails must be kept short and nail overlays, decorations or fake nails are not allowed.  They are a source of fungal and bacterial infections to patients.
  9. Student lab - a full-length fluid resistant lab coat must be worn at all times in the student lab. Students can buy the coats during the first lab.  Gloves and safety glasses must be purchased by the students for the on-campus lab.  Gloves will be provided at your clinical site.  Tank tops, sleeveless shirts, sandals, open-toed shoes or short shorts cannot be worn in the student lab.