11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

My Brother’s Keeper: A Conversation About Mental Health and the Important Role Friends play in Encouraging African American Males to Seek Help

Misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment and lack of cultural competence by health professionals are just some of the factors that make it difficult for African American men to have good outcomes in mental health. Black men grow up in a culture that tells them 'men are not supposed to cry,' that they 'should deal with problems on our own.' This only enforces the idea that it’s not okay to say they are hurting inside. In addition, many fear of being labeled as weak or less than a man by friends and family so they don’t acknowledge or vocalize any of their pains. This panel will dispel some of the myths around mental health among black males and emphasize how males can ally with one another and become their Brother’s Keeper.

Location: Bonnell Building, Counseling Department, Room BG-07