Apply for a Course Enhancement Mini-Grant!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Course Enhancement Mini-Grant Opportunity

Innovative course development is an essential part of demonstrating excellence in teaching and learning, and it plays a critical role in Community College of Philadelphia’s commitment to creating a learning environment that values and recognizes the experiences of all students, in particular students from “traditionally underrepresented” groups. To help achieve this goal, the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL), in partnership with Title III, is accepting applications for course enhancement mini-grants. These mini-grants will be awarded to faculty to enhance their existing courses by incorporating inclusive teaching practices, culturally responsive materials, and/or use of diverse content in ways that promote the College’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Plan Pillar.

How much is the mini-grant?

Faculty will receive $500 to enhance an existing course by implementing inclusive teaching practices and/or integrating inclusive course materials with the aim to increase student engagement and improve retention and student outcomes.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any faculty teaching a course in Spring 2023 may apply for a mini-grant. Priority will be given to faculty teaching a Top 25 course and courses that have the potential for broader use, such as highly enrolled courses.

What are the proposal requirements?

The proposal must contain the following elements:

a)      Detailed description of course enhancement strategy (including budget, if applicable)

b)      Anticipated outcomes for the course enhancement (specifically, applicants must explain how these outcomes complement the course learning outcomes and program learning outcomes)

c)      Explanation of how course enhancement outcomes align with the College’s Sixth Pillar (DEI), as well as Divisional/Departmental DEI goals

d)      Clearly articulated method of assessment

e)      Explanation of the intended impact of the course enhancement (i.e., how the course enhancement will promote learning and engagement of all students and improve retention and mitigate equity gaps)

f)       Estimated number of sections that will be enhanced, and number of students impacted

What is the proposal review process?

Applicants should first send their proposal to their department head for review to ensure that the proposal is aligned with department DEI initiatives. Approved proposals should be sent to as a Word attachment. Applications will be reviewed by the Title III Professional Learning Coordinator and FCTL Facilitator in consultation with the applicant's dean. Selection will be based on meeting the requirements using the rubric below.

How many faculty will be awarded a mini grant?

A total of six (6) faculty members will be awarded a mini-grant.


Call for Proposals Announced: October 11, 2022

Proposal Deadline: November 11, 2022

Applicants Notified of Selection: November 28, 2022

Assessment Report Due: May 2023 (exact date TBA)

Presentation to the College: Fall 2023 PDW


Applications will be reviewed and selected using the following criteria:


Score (1-5)


Description of course enhancement strategy



Anticipated outcomes



Alignment with the College’s Sixth Pillar and Divisional/Departmental DEI goals



Method of assessment



Impact of the course enhancement



Estimated number of students impacted