Managing your Finances for Grants


Maryna Dziubynska, LaVern Allen


Faculty, Staff, Administrators



Learning Goals:

  1. College & Foundation Grants Accounting Processes & Forms
  2. Types of documents to process the expense.
  3. Grants Budgets.
  5. Banner and Self-Service budget queries and requisitions.

Program Description:

Controller’s Office Special Funds’ Accounting team invites all grant personnel responsible for financial-related tasks to take a look at the accounting side of the grant financial administration. We will cover the budget management, relation of the budget to a chart of accounts, properly coding of the expenses, team roles, documents necessary to make a charge depending on the type of charge and document flow. Come to this session to learn how to use Banner Self-Service, read it and export information for analysis. Discover Banner “Secret language” and you will not need Controller’s Office to answer your questions.