Requisitions for New Fiscal Year Procedures

When entering requisitions in May or June for merchandise or services to be delivered on or after July 1, 20XX, you must change the transaction date in the requisition form. The requisition will have to be completed in Internet Native Banner because the budget for FYXX-XX will not be loaded into Self Serve Banner until the new fiscal year. There are three date boxes on the top of the form (FPAREQN). The first box is the order date in which you are entering the request and should reflect the current date. The second box across from the first states the transaction date. This must be changed to reflect 01-JUL-20XX. The third box is the delivery date. This must be change to reflect July 1 or later. 

If you already issued a requisition for July 1,20XX or later, you must change the transaction date. If the requisition has been completed you must cancel and re- issue. 

Should you have any questions contact anyone in the Purchasing and Services area on extensions 8900, 8903, 8904, 8905, 8091, 8097, and we will guide your through the process.

Thank you.